Sunday, April 17, 2011

Re:Paying Criminals for their Crimes

Erika De Los Santos gives a great description on The Youth commission as she argues its irony. The irony in here is that thousands of civilian are losing their jobs, while young criminal minded folks sleep, eat, dress and exercise with taxpayers money. Not only just that, but they also hold jobs for which they get paid with taxpayers money. Best of all, these monetary gains are tax exempt for them. Perhaps, I should be incarcerated too. The money I would save on food, clothing, bills, transportation and the nifty bank account I could build up. I agree with my colleague, "If the point of this program is to rehabilitate youths and bring them back into society, then why have they started crippling them with special privileges." I would suggest that Erika emphasized on this portion with some sort of emotional attachment in order to engage the reader.
"Mother used to always tell me not to touch the iron. One day I was able to reach it. I will never touch it again. We must burn our hand in order to learn. And these young criminals will never feel the burn if we continue placing handicaps for them.
Other than that, I like what I've read. I look forward to reading the next original editorial

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